We understand the Venezuelan Market.

who we are

Venergy Global C.A. is a Venezuelan-based company dedicated to trading commodities and the independent analysis of commercial variables in the oil and gas sector.

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Our work, is backed by the company’s practical approach and participation in day-to-day operations on the ground. Venergy interacts with a diverse range of stakeholders, such as: inspection and quality agencies, marine services, and others, with the goal of providing coordination and synergy between all the relevant actors.

venergy global

Through a comprehensive consultancy service, Venergy provides international companies with a solid base of on-the-ground operational alliances, expertise and coordination with all elements of the operational life cycle.

Our highly qualified team will provide competitive advantages, increase efficiency while minimizing risks in operations.

our vision

We believe in sustainability

Venergy's environmental approach is based on sustainability values, which implies the need to create a framework of balance and harmony between society, the economy and the environment, without neglecting the principles of energy security and access to energy as indispensable factors for the development of nations.

download our foundational documents

Corporate ASG Policy

Sustainability Policy

Code of Ethics

our vision

Carbon Markets

The growth and resurgence of the national energy industry leads to the importance of incorporating the environment into corporate decision making.

Venezuela is a developing nation with enormous potential for Voluntary Carbon Market projects that work hand in hand with the energy industry.

Venergy is well ahead of other on-the-ground consulting services and is willing to work with international stakeholders to ensure the integrity and viability of the VCM framework.

our vision


Training is essential in a complex and rapidly growing world. In this regard, Venergy currently offers two training programs for energy-related decision-makers in the private and public sectors.


Diploma in Energy Transition and Climate Change:

Aimed at decision makers at management level, oriented to answer the big questions on energy transition for Venezuela and the Latin American region.


Diploma in Corporate Sustainability:

Aimed at companies interested in incorporating sustainability as an essential part of their operations.